
फेब्रुवारी, २०२३ पासूनच्या पोेस्ट दाखवत आहे

THE AI (Artificial Intelligence ) & ChatGPT Challenge....

 THE AI (Artificial Intelligence ) & ChatGPT Challenge.... "ChatGPT foregrounds need for innovation in education and regulation. Gap between technology and policy needs closing." Since at least 2015 - when kalus schwab popularised the term "Fourth Industrial Revolution " at that year world's Economic Forum - terms like 4IR..Artificial Intelligence(AI), Internet of Things, Future for Work, entered the lexicon of politicians, bureaucrats, consultants and policy analyst. With the launch of open AI's ChatGPT late last year (30 November 2022),the impending changes in the nature of work, creativity and economy as a whole have moved from being the subject of futuristic jargon to an immediate challenge. The transformations the new technology is bound to bring about must be met with swift adjustments in the broader national and policy that was seen with the rise of Big Data and social media can serve as a lesson.   Sample some development