THE AI (Artificial Intelligence ) & ChatGPT Challenge....

 THE AI (Artificial Intelligence ) & ChatGPT Challenge....

"ChatGPT foregrounds need for innovation in education and regulation. Gap between technology and policy needs closing."

Since at least 2015 - when kalus schwab popularised the term "Fourth Industrial Revolution " at that year world's Economic Forum - terms like 4IR..Artificial Intelligence(AI), Internet of Things, Future for Work, entered the lexicon of politicians, bureaucrats, consultants and policy analyst. With the launch of open AI's ChatGPT late last year (30 November 2022),the impending changes in the nature of work, creativity and economy as a whole have moved from being the subject of futuristic jargon to an immediate challenge. The transformations the new technology is bound to bring about must be met with swift adjustments in the broader national and policy that was seen with the rise of Big Data and social media can serve as a lesson.
  Sample some developments 
  Over  the last just few days : A judge in Colombia included his Conversation with ChatGPT in ruling.
Microsoft is integrating  the bot with its search engine, Bing and other products ;Google is reportedly trying to launch a similar tool and there are reports that ChatGPT can already code at entry level for Google engineers. All this on the heels of concerns about plagiarism in universities and beyond, as well as the fear that many white -collar jobs may become redundant in the coming years, as AI becomes more Omnipresent and Sophisticated.
     The concerns around social media's influence on politics and society became sharp in the aftermath of the 2016 US Presidential elections and accusations of voter manipulation by foreign agents. Much of the world is still struggling with the questions raised then. The issue of privacy and regulating the relationship between data principal and fiduciaries has been one that India has been grappling with for at least half a decade.The common refrain among policymakers around the world has been that policy innovation and regulatory frameworks are almost always playing catch-up with technology. That gap must not become a breakage.
               The AI revolution is likely to have serious implications on labour, education, authenticity of content and its authorship, and much else. Anticipating possible futures requires engagement with the opportunities and challenges flagged by ChatGPT. Regulation which does not stymie innovation is one aspect of this. But equally important is mapping out and planning for the changes that will be required in the education system, labour codes and new commodities that are bound to emerge as a result. Doing so with a degree of success and mean that India's demographic dividend - its large young and working - age population can be leveraged for decades.Failure to do so in time will take a heavy toll.

Mr. Amol Nanda Shivaji Bhosale.©
14 February 2023


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